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Thursday, January 25, 2018

Tekken 7 Asuka Kazama Sample Combos

Here's an entry for our dear Asuka Kazama. Is it just me or she's getting bigger, if you know what I mean... Anyway, as always, please read the general guide for combos here, if you are new. The entry for Jin wasn't all positive feedback as some combos were repetitive and some with damage output issue. I wanted to make this one for Asuka simple but still informative, but all the explanations and slowmos still made the video longer than I expected. Ha ha. If you have any input or opinions on how to improve these guides, please drop a comment below. Maybe same thing for requests.

My thoughts on this character:
To me she feels like the Queen of Reversal/Counters. She just has too many options to turn your own attack against you. I have a friend who mains her and given my aggressive playing style I often end up getting counterattacked. It's frustrating. b+1+3 or b+2+4 is her main reversal, time it with your enemy's attack and turn the tides against them. Don't overdo this though as you'll become predictable. You're a sitting duck out there if you do it wrong especially the longer version when you hold the buttons. As for combos and inputs, they are fairly easy. The only thing you need to work on is timing. It can be very tricky for f,f+2,3 after launchers in some combos, as well as ending the juggle with f,f,+2,1. For some reason, I whiff the last hit more often than not so I go for the other staple combo ending with b+4,2,3. She isn't really my main character so my timing needs polishing but maybe if you hold forward after the f,f you'll most likely get it. And oh, maximize your dash after the ender. For iWS moves just buffer the forward input. The learning curve with combos isn't too steep as the staple combo can be used on most launchers or situations and damage output is almost the same on most cases.

Complete Video Combo List

1. f+4 d/b+4,3 f+2 (3 hits-48 damage)
2. FC,d/f+2 WS+1,4 d/f+3 (4 hits-61 damage)
3. d/f+2 f,f+2,3 2,1,1+2 S! f,f+2,1 (9 hits-60 damage) - this combo is your staple and can work on most launchers.

4. f+2 4 f,f+2,3 2,1,1+2 S! f,f+2,1 (9 hits-69 damage)
5. 1+2 d/b+4,3 2,1,1+2 S! (9 hits-64 damage)

6. d/f+2 f,f+2,3 1,2,3 S! b+4,2,3 (9 hits-62 damage)  - another possible staple combo
7. b+3,4,3 2,1,1+2 S! f,f+2,1 (9 hits-58 damage)
8. d/f+2 f,f+4 S! iWR+3 1+4 f,f+2,1 (7 hits 63 damage)
9. f,f+4 S! iWR+3 1+4 f,f+2,1+2 (6 hits-66 damage)
10. 3~4 WS+4 2,1,1+2 S! f,f+2,1 (8 hits-58 damage) -other todo b423
11. 3~4 cc d/b+4,3 2,1,1+2 S! f,f+2,1 (9 hits-65 damage)
12. d/b+2 d/b+1 d/f+1,2 2,1,1+2 S! f,f+3 (9 hits-60 damage)
13. FCd/f+2 WS+1,4 d/f+3 (4 hits-61 damage)
14. CH f+(1),3 1 b+2,1+2,4 S! b+2,4,3 (8 hits-52 damage)
15. CH d+2 d/f+1,2 2,1,1+2 S! f,f+2,1 (9 hits-58 damage)
16. CH u/f+3 d/b+4,3 2,1,1+2 S! f,f+2,1 (9 hits-63 damage)
17. CH b+4 f,f+2,3 2,1,1+2 S! f,f+2,1 (9 hits-66 damage)
18. CH FC,d/f+3 f,f+2,3 1,2,3 S! b+4,2,3 (9 hits-68 damage)
19. CH f,f+1 4 f,f+2,3 2,1,1+2 S! f,f+2,1 (9 hits-85 damage)
20. CH WS+1+2 1+2 f,f+2,3 1,2,3 S! b+4,2,3 (10 hits-93 damage)
21. CH 4 1+4,2 1,2,3 S! b+4,2,3 (9 hits-55 damage)
22. FC,d/f,d,d/f+1+2 4 f,f+2,3 2,1,1+2 S! f,f+2,1 (9 hits-64 damage)
23. Low Parry f,f+2,3 1,2,3 S! b+4,2,3 (8 hits-48 damage)
24. 2+3 d/b+4,3 2,1,1+2 S! f,f+2,1 (9 hits-64 damage)
25. Rage f,f+1+2 f,f+4 S! iWR+3 1+4 f,f+2,1 (7 hits-79 damage)
26. Rage f,f+1+2 U/F+4 d/f+1 2,1,1+2 S! f,f+2,1 (7 hits-76 damage)
27. Rage f+2 4 f,f+2,3 2,1,1+2 S! f,f+1+2 f,f+1 (7 hits-74 damage)
28. CH WS+1+2 f+2 4 f,f+2+3 2,1,1+2 S! d/f+1+2 (14 hits-112 damage)
29. b+1+3 W! 1+4,2,4 (5 hits-55 damage)
30. d/f+2 u/f+3 2,1,1+2 S! f,f+2,1 W! b+4,2,3 (11 hits-65 damage)
31. d/b+4,3 u/f+3 b+2,1+2,4 S! d/b+4,3 W! b+2,1,4 (12 hits-86 damage)

Juggle Launchers:

CH b4
CH uf+3

CH FC,d/f+2
CH FC,d/f+3
CH 4

CH WS+1+2
f,f+1+2 (Rage Drive)
FC,d/f,d,d/f+1+2 (Falling Rain Grab)
2+3 Parry

Common Juggle Filler Strings:
f,f+2,3 - most common and damaging, can add 4 before this string for 3 additional damage
d/b+4,3 - can replace f,f+2,3 for 3 less damage if you are having a problem with timing

Screw/Tailspin moves:

Juggle Enders:
f,f+3 - less damage but most likely to hit if you do not know what to end with
f,f+2,1 - most common ender if you S! with 2,1,1+2
b+4,2,3 - use this if you use 1,2,3 for S!

Wall Moves:

That's quite a long list but juggle construction is pretty much the same on most of these. Play around with them so you can tweak your combos to fit with various situations. The video was meant to serve as a guide and reference to see the strings in action. Hope this was helpful.

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